New Study Suggests 50/50 Parenting Time is Best for Kids
At one time, fathers lacked fairness in family court. Mothers were considered the nurturers, and thereby more critical for child development. Then studies started showing that the absence of fathers negatively impacted children. Now studies are showing that dads are not only important to development - they are equally important as mothers. Further, a recent study has indicated that a 50/50 parenting time plan is the most beneficial for children. The following explains how you can make this arrangement work for your family.
Remember Your Child Still Loves Both of You
In the midst of divorce, parents can easily get lost in their own emotional turmoil - their grief, anger, pain, and regret. This can cause parents to behave in ways they might not have under different circumstances. Yet children are at far more risk for negative effects during the divorce process. They may take ownership of the breakdown of the marriage. Some may regress, significantly so, and could become clingy. Alternatively, they may attempt to push one or both parents away.
Pitting your child against one another only adds insult to injury. Failing to recognize that your child still loves both of you - and competing for your child’s love - can do even further damage. So, no matter how you feel about your spouse, remember that he or she is still your child’s other parent. That means you should never speak ill of the other parent, and you should try to avoid any form of conflict in front of your children.
Minimizing Contact With One Another Can Help
To make a co-parenting plan work, parents must communicate. Yet they do not have to communicate daily, or about every little detail. In fact, each parent should be allowed to bond and spend time with their child as they see fit. Further, parents can discuss pressing matters - such as schedule changes or concerns over behavior - in ways that reduce the risk of conflict.
Some parents do this best through email, where they can contemplate their message before sending. Others prefer to limit the time they speak on the phone or in person. For example, parents could set a five-minute rule. This encourages both to get to the point of the conversation, and to avoid talking about any triggering issues.
Get Experienced Legal Assistance
Whatever you do, never attempt to craft a shared parenting plan alone. Not only are there numerous details to work out, there are strategies and methods that an attorney can suggest to improve your family’s chances of a smooth transition. So, if you are planning on divorce, contact the Law Offices of Vincent C. Machroli, P.C. for assistance. Our Oak Park family law attorney offers free consultations to help ensure you get the quality representation you deserve. Call 708-449-7400 and schedule yours today.