Law Office of Vincent C. Machroli, P.C.
High Point Plaza, 4415 West Harrison Street, Suite 213, Hillside, IL 60162
High Point Plaza, 4415 West Harrison Street, Suite 213
Hillside, IL 60162



Recent Blog Posts

Proving Irreconcilable Differences in Your Divorce Case

 Posted on March 11, 2025 in Divorce

Hillside, IL divorce attorneyEvery state has its own interpretation of what constitutes "fault" in a divorce case. Some states allow spouses to hold their partners responsible for the end of a marriage, which can make a difference in property division or alimony awards. Illinois, however, is a strictly no-fault state, meaning that you cannot blame your spouse for your divorce. Instead, you only have to prove that you and your spouse have "irreconcilable differences" that make the marriage "irretrievably broken".

A skilled Illinois divorce attorney can help you file for a dissolution of marriage, and show the court that you and your spouse have" irreconcilable differences", while providing you with strong counsel. At the Law Office of Vincent C. Machroli, P.C., attorney Vincent Machroli prioritizes the needs of his clients, drawing on his 38 years of experience in assisting with family law matters.

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Three Common Misconceptions About Estate Planning

 Posted on February 25, 2025 in Estate Planning

Hillside, IL estate planning lawyerNobody looks forward to doing their estate planning, but when it’s done right, it can be both comforting and empowering. Still, many people shy away from making these arrangements, due to misunderstandings about what estate planning instruments can do or, when they should be created. With the help of a skilled Illinois estate planning attorney, however, you can avoid these obstacles and confidently handle end-of-life planning, including instructions for honoring your wishes after you pass away. 

At the Law Office of Vincent C. Machroli, P.C., we want to give you peace of mind. Attorney Vincent Machroli has practiced law for 38 years, with extensive experience in family law, estate planning, and probate. When you work with our firm, you will receive compassionate, practical legal services that help in addressing many different scenarios.

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Strategies for Settling Contract Disputes Outside of Court

 Posted on February 10, 2025 in Civil Litigation

Hillside, IL contract dispute lawyerLitigating contract disputes in court can be costly. If you or another party to a contract have been accused of violating the terms of the contract, you likely want to avoid court, but the 2 parties may be at an impasse as to how to fairly settle the matter. An Illinois civil litigation defense attorney can provide you with guidance and representation to help settle a contract dispute out of court.

At the Law Office of Vincent C. Machroli, P.C., we do not believe in ‘one size fits all’ solutions for legal problems. Instead, we provide legal services tailored to your needs, on a case-by-case basis. Attorney Vincent Machroli has over 38 years of experience, so you can rest assured that your case will be handled by a seasoned professional.

Informal Negotiations

If you have a working relationship with the other party in the contract, you could first try to settle the matter on both of your own terms. This sometimes gives all parties a high degree of control over the outcome, with minimal – if any – legal fees. 

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Do I Need Any "Power of Attorney" Documents?

 Posted on January 24, 2025 in Estate Planning

Oak Park, IL estate planning lawyerIn Illinois, a "Power of Attorney" ("POA") is a document that gives legal authority to a person whom you trust to be your "Agent", & to make important decisions on your behalf. This power is typically important for situations when you are unable to speak for yourself after becoming incapacitated. There are many benefits to obtaining two "POA" documents in Illinois, and many people find peace of mind in obtaining these two documents while they are still in good health.

At the Law Office of Vincent C. Machroli, P.C., we can assist you in the process of producing "POA"s. Above all else, we want to make sure you feel secure and comfortable in making arrangements for the future. Our Illinois estate planning attorney can provide you with expert legal advice and guidance as to "POA"s. Here are three good reasons to have two specific "POA" documents in Illinois: 

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Reasons to Consider Obtaining a "Living Will" Document in Illinois

 Posted on January 13, 2025 in Estate Planning

Hillside, IL estate planning lawyerPondering your mortality can be frightening, but if you take the time to make arrangements for the end of your life, you can rest easier knowing that you have a plan in place. An Oak Park, IL estate planning attorney can help you think through, and create a plan for, these end-of-life arrangements. A "Living Will" document – also referred to as an advanced health care directive – can allow you to specify your preferences regarding certain medical treatments if you become incapacitated.

At the Law Office of Vincent C. Machroli, P.C., our estate planning lawyer can help you prepare for unexpected health complications by drafting a "Living Will", along with other important estate planning documents.  

A "Living Will" Upholds Your Personal Rights

You deserve to have a say in your own healthcare decisions, and for many, the thought of losing control over those decisions can be disconcerting. With a "Living Will", you can take comfort in knowing that whatever happens, it will be according to what you want – not somebody else’s interpretation of what is best for you.

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Can I Adopt My Stepchild in Illinois?

 Posted on December 30, 2024 in Family Law

Oak Park, IL stepchild adoption lawyerUnlike their portrayal in many fairy tales and movies, stepparents can often form meaningful, loving bonds with their spouses’ children. Stepparent adoption is a meaningful way to solidify that bond and legally grant the stepparent the same rights and responsibilities as a biological parent. 

The stepparent adoption process in Illinois is meant to protect the child’s best interests and provide a clear legal framework for families. To learn more about your options as a stepparent who wants to adopt, speak with a knowledgeable Illinois family law attorney.

How Does Stepparent Adoption Work?

When someone legally adopts their spouse’s child, it is called a stepparent adoption. This process establishes a permanent legal relationship between the child and stepparent, and effectively replaces the legal rights of the non-custodial biological parent. There are several benefits to stepparent adoption:

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The Impact of Mental Illness on Divorce in Illinois

 Posted on December 16, 2024 in Divorce

Hillside, IL divorce attorneyDivorce can be a difficult process, and it can become even more difficult when mental illness is involved. If one or both spouses suffer from mental health conditions, it might make certain divorce methods like collaborative law or mediation unfeasible. Illinois law also takes mental health issues into account when deciding about matters like child custody and the equitable distribution of assets. Speak with a knowledgeable Oak Park, IL family law attorney to understand more about how mental illness can affect the divorce process in Illinois.

Mental Illness and Marital Problems

The category of "mental illness" covers a wide range of conditions that can affect how someone thinks, feels, and behaves. Depression, anxiety, bipolar disorder, and schizophrenia are some of the more common mental health conditions that many people live with. These conditions can have a major impact on a marriage, particularly when one spouse has trouble managing their symptoms, causing stress, misunderstandings, or conflict in the relationship.

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Protecting Digital Assets in Your Estate Plan

 Posted on November 29, 2024 in Estate Planning

Oak Park, IL estate planning lawyerIt is the end of 2024, and we are now almost a decade past the farthest point into the future imagined by the "Back to the Future" movies. Our lives truly do look as different from the 1980s as the films predicted, and we can easily take for granted that we live in an age of seemingly boundless technological advancement.

With so many aspects of life affected by innovation, it is only natural that the law will be affected as well. One area where this has certainly become relevant is estate planning. As people accumulate more and more digital assets that were inconceivable only a few decades ago, these assets need to be addressed in a comprehensive estate plan. A knowledgeable Hillside, IL estate planning lawyer can help.

What Are Digital Assets?

Anything you own that exists in a digital form is considered a digital asset. Some examples are:

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How Can I Establish Paternity if the Father Is Unwilling?

 Posted on November 18, 2024 in Paternity / Parentage

Oak Park, IL paternity lawyerMany children have the privilege of growing up with both of their parents. Even if a child’s parents are divorced, having two involved parents can be very beneficial for the child’s emotional well-being. Similarly, in many families, parents who are not married to each other understand the benefits of allowing their child to have a meaningful connection with each parent.

While married couples are automatically recognized as a baby’s parents at birth, an unmarried father’s relationship with his child needs to be legally established so that his paternity is officially recognized. Otherwise, he has no legal parental rights or responsibilities to the child. When the mother wants the father to establish his paternity, but he is unwilling to acknowledge his role in the child’s life, she can pursue legal action. If you are in this situation, contact a knowledgeable Hillside, IL family law attorney to learn more about your options.

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How Can You Keep Your Home Out of Probate Court in Illinois?

 Posted on October 29, 2024 in Estate Planning

Oak Park, IL estate planning and probate lawyerIf you own a home in Illinois, ensuring that ownership of it will transfer smoothly to whomever you choose without getting tangled up in probate should be a top priority for you. A probate case in Illinois typically takes between one and two years to complete, with complex or contested estates at the longer end of that estimate. The probate process is also public, which means details about your estate are accessible to anyone with an interest. During the probate process, your loved ones may not have access to the assets in your estate, leading to financial difficulties.

Fortunately, there are three legal options available to you that can enable your beneficiaries to avoid the costly and time-consuming public probate process for real estate. When you have an experienced Oak Park, IL probate attorney from the Law Office of Vincent C. Machroli, P.C. helping you prepare your estate plan, you can rest easy knowing your estate plan fully protects your loved ones. The following are the 3 ways that you can be sure that ownership of your home passes to your family members, or to whomever you choose, without the necessity of going through probate

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